Service Packages

ONline LoNgevity

Designed for continued health and vitality, these include a comprehensive team-reviewed assessment and a video consultation to dive into your goals. We’ll create a dynamic game plan to help you achieve and sustain your success, while staying in close contact to keep your training and nutrition on track.

Please read the ‘Important Notes on Longevity Packages’ below


Coming soon

Important Notes on longevity Packages

  1. Supervisory Period: All new Longevity Package (LP) customers begin with LP2 for the first two months. This allows us to closely monitor your exercise performance, intensity, and overall safety. After the supervisory period, you’re free to select the package that best suits your needs.

  2. Exclusive Offer: If you’ve recently completed a Vacation Package with us (within the past month), we’ll waive the $75.00 assessment and video consultation fee when you start your Longevity Package.