Your #1 Source for Online Training and Productivity Programs!
"As humans, we are quick to attribute our discontent to things we don’t have. Is it possible that it's more applicable to the lack of recognition for the things we do?"
We’d like to start off by telling you something a lot of people in our profession won’t: Your health, your fitness, and your ability to be an active participant in your life, is your responsibility. Period. The good news is that the opportunity exists for just about anyone willing to reach out and take it. As with most things in life, there may be pitfalls, but few of them are borne of the experience. Nevertheless, when Pogo said “We have met the enemy and he is us.” he might well have been addressing a new fitness enthusiast.
Allow me to assume that you’re reading this because you’ve either decided, or you’re at least toying with the idea of making your life better. You’ve done your research and come to recognize that one of your weak points in this endeavor is your knowledge of the subject and, rather than adopt a trial-and-error approach, you’re seeking a qualified professional to assist you. Excellent choice. However, even if you find someone in your area that you can work with, who understands your goals, and who you believe is capable of helping you achieve them, that does not mean your job is finished – as it's only begun.
If the greatest commitment to you is not made by you, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Look at the hiring of a trainer or, as is our case, a team, as a learning opportunity. A smart trainer understands that their success is contingent upon your own and that the knowledge they impart, not only makes you a stronger ally, but it offers you both a better chance of accomplishing what you’ve set out to do.
On the flip side, if you’re constantly inquiring about nutrition, for example, but unwilling to recognize any response that involves limiting your daily consumption of the "Ultra Grande, Super Silly, Coconut Chocolate Latte" you NEED to get through your day, then it won’t be long before your trainer recognizes your lack of commitment and you become nothing more than a paycheck.
For most of us, our fitness is one of the few areas in our lives where we are in complete control of the outcome as there is a direct and inescapable correlation between the time and effort afforded the goal, and the results realized.
Seemingly, not a week goes by when someone doesn’t relate how underappreciated they feel, how their work seems for naught, or how something or someone is holding them back from reaching their true potential. Yet, when presented with the opportunity to assume complete control of arguably the most critical aspect of their life, these same individuals begin looking for ways to defer that responsibility to others.
Gaining and maintaining fitness is like any other area of your life where you intend to succeed, in that in order to reach your goals, you must first know what they are! Far too many times have I asked gym patrons what muscle group he or she was targeting with a particular movement only to hear “Well, it must be working something.” FAIL!!! Know your goals even if you haven’t a clue how to attain them.
Don’t be afraid to use pictures or whatever else you may need to accurately convey your ideal. By making your intent clear, you and your trainer can ascertain, first, whether you're on the same page and second, whether your goal is realistic. You should both be as specific as possible so that when you map out a strategy, it’ll be easier to understand exactly what each of your roles is to be on your way to accomplishing that ideal.
Bottom line: There can be no room for wishing, hoping, trying, or luck when the sole responsibility is your own.